I am going to do something I've never done before... I am going to post photos that aren't from my 5d. Yes, I've gone and done it, I've become a user of the iphone camera. I can't help it. It takes decent photos and it's so convenient!
Our 4th of July weekend was pretty great and busy. JW is still recovering and sleeping lots.
Along with BBQs, birthday parties and swimming pools we went to a great beach near Malibu on Sunday. It wasn't very crowded, which was so surprising for a 4th of July weekend! JW was having a great time, he LOVES sand. We sat him down close to the water so that when a wave came it barely reached his legs. As JW was playing in the sand a little crab walked by and Justin and I were trying to get JW to look at it, "look at the crab!! ooh! look!" ... and CRASH. An unexpected wave came up and knocked over poor JW. The water went right over him! I picked him up and he had seaweed all over him, he had swallowed a little bit of water, and he had sand EVERYWHERE. Oh God, we felt like horrible parents! It totally put a damper on our beach day! But I think JW is over it ... I think. Hopefully he doesn't hate the ocean now... or us...

You are funny!!! I did the same thing for a photo or two this weekend ... I was beach camping and didn't want to bring my big ole camera. Any who, I pretty much have been eating that chili recipe you posted at least once a week ... I am obsessed but it is so yummy, tasty, and keeps me full for hours. Great iphone photos :) !! XO!
your little guy is adorable! and no worries about the ocean. the fabulous thing about kids is how resilient they are. he'll still love the ocean. and he'll always love you both :)
Next time he'll probably think it's fun! haha
These pics are indeed very cool.
Love it! So you're on instagram! I am a huge fan slash addict. You can find me @foodloves. : )
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